Stephen anderton
Lewis chester
Helen craig
Michael frayn
The estate of p d james
Richard jenkyns
Geoffrey parker
William sansom
Jackie wullschlager
Stephen anderton
Lewis chester
Helen craig
Michael frayn
The estate of p d james
Carol Heaton

Carol Heaton

Literary Agent
Carol Heaton has been involved with the agency continually since 1968. From 1971 to 1976 she handled translation rights for the agency. When founder Elaine Greene died in 1995 Carol took over the representation of most of Elaine's clients. Among the clients Carol now represents are Jan Dalley, Michael Frayn, the estate of P.D. James and Jackie Wullschlager.

Carol gained her experience in publishing while working at Penguin as their Rights Director for twelve years from 1976 to 1988, where the sale of American rights was her particular speciality; during this period she acted as consultant to the agency. When she returned full time to the agency in 1988, she started developing a list of writers working in areas of interest to her: biography, history, current affairs, travel, gardening, health - and of course fiction. Carol has served a term as Secretary to the Association of Authors` Agents, and has given talks to Creative Writing students.

Carol is no longer taking on new clients.

Carol's clients