10 Keys To Happier Living

10 Keys To Happier Living
Genre : Lifestyle
Published : 10 Mar 2016 - Headline
We all want to be happy but what does that actually mean and what can we do in our everyday lives to be happier? Fortunately, psychologists, neuroscientists and other experts now have evidence of what really makes a difference and helps us to be happier and more resilient to life's ups and downs.

In this book, Vanessa King of Action for Happiness has drawn on the latest scientific studies to create a set of evidence-based practical actions. They will help you connect with people, nurture your relationships and find purpose. You'll get ideas for taking care of your body, making the most of what's good and finding new ways to stimulate your mind.

So here are the 10 Keys to Happier Living - ideas, insights and practical actions that you can take to create more happiness for yourself and those around you.


This brilliantly researched book gives you the cutting-edge science and practical strategies to put a smile on your face.

Suzy Greaves, Editor of Psychologies Magazine

While an eminently practical book, it is also wise and compassionate. Teaches us how to slow down and see the world anew.

Rachel Kelly, mental health campaigner and ambassador for SANE

A really well written and well informed synopsis of all the most robust research done on happiness and wellbeing and a really good read. It's honest and inspiring, easy to read and practical...There's a lot of stuff on happiness around - this book is the only one you really need."<br />

Sophie Howarth, Co-Founder School of Life; Founder, Department Store for the Mind

Readable and useful, this book shows us there's a lot more to happiness than pleasure. It is full of evidence-based, practical ideas for daily actions that will make a difference for ourselves and the world around us. A strongly recommended read for everyone.

Sir Anthony Seldon, President of the International Positive Education Network, Author of Beyond Happiness and Vice Chancellor Buckingham University)