Love Minus Love
'Wayne Holloway-Smith's Love Minus Love is fiercely playful in its confrontation of truths that are as familiar, and familial, as they are painful... The work traces the erosion of connection between child and parent, meaning and language, body and self.'
'I've been enjoying the exceptional poetry books published this year, in particular those that opened out to me new possibilities of what poems can do - like being shaken awake! In particular, Daisy Lafarge's Life Without Air and Wayne Holloway-Smith, Love Minus Love.'
'Disease, trauma, wit, sex, love, addiction, looping time, family history, a changing world, work - all evaporate and condense into the best collection I've read in 2020...Shortlisted for the 2020 T.S Eliot Prize, Love Minus Love could win, should win, might win, better win... In my humble 2020 ranking, Holloway-Smith takes top slot.'