Marc Chagall
Published : 30 Jun 2005 - The Penguin Press
Marc Chagall is a major figure in the history of modern art, his work known and beloved by millions. Yet his personal life, a life painfully enmeshed in many of the great events of the 20th century, from wars and revolutions to exile, has never been adequately explored. In this comprehensive biography, Jackie Wullschläger draws upon wide research, a sophisticated understanding of art and European culture and the skills of an expert writer to do for Chagall what Hilary Spurling has done for Matisse.


Jackie Wullschlager's wonderful biography moves with sure speed and precise drama."<br />

A.S. Byatt, Financial Times

This is a masterly biography. Jackie Wullschlager has a painter's eye, a historian's grasp of context and a novelist's pace and momentum. She gives back to Chagall's paintings the sharpness and strangeness that they had for his contemporaries ... so gripping that I couldn't put the book down.

Hilary Spurling