Genre : Lifestyle
Published : 28 Apr 2022 - HarperCollins
STRESSILIENT: How to Beat Stress and Build Resilience will provide sensitive guidance and practical tools for women who are looking to feel calmer, less stressed and more resilient to life's challenges. It will be an indispensable handbook, helping women to go from surviving to thriving. Women are stressed. A massive 81% of them, in fact. They're overworked, overwhelmed and exhausted. But many women are also open to ways of leading a better life, especially if the instructions come in an accessible, 'how-to' book that can be dipped into on the tube to work. There is a lack of evidence-based books to manage stress that are practical, straight-forward and which offer friendly advice that actually works. Whilst there are books that cater to self-help, very few are able to offer themselves as an easy-to-use toolkit which still incorporate the best science.

STRESSILIENT will do exactly this - as a clinical psychologist with over ten years of experience, Dr Sam Akbar will draw on her own professional expertise in this handbook, providing sensitive guidance and practical tools for women who are looking to feel calmer, less stressed and more resilient to life's challenges. It will be an indispensable go-to guide, helping women to go from surviving to thriving.


STRESSILIENT is a zippy read but it is grounded in robust scientific study.

The Sunday Times

A pocket rocket of a book: distills all the clever stuff you need to know about managing difficult emotions into accessible advice.

Elizabeth Day

The chapters touch upon tips for managing emotions, challenging negative though processes and encouraging more self-compassion without being overly preachy. If I could inject it, I would.


[A] new and brilliant book.

The Telegraph

Now, clinical psychologist Dr Sam Akbar shows us how to become "stressilient" with this fascinating and helpful book. Our tester found the practical guidelines exceptionally helpful, and like the science-backed approach of the book.