Mary-Ann Ochota

Represented by Antony Topping
Mary-Ann Ochota
© Fallon Ismail

Broadcaster and anthropologist Mary-Ann Ochota is a familiar face on TV archaeology programmes, including the cult show Time Team, History Channel’s Ancient Impossible, and the Smithsonian Channel hit Mystic Britain.

She’s written two other popular archaeology books, including HIDDEN HISTORIES: A SPOTTER'S GUIDE TO THE BRITISH LANDSCAPE, with Quarto. It was shortlisted for Current Archaeology’s Book of the Year Award. Mary-Ann also writes regularly for newspapers and magazines on outdoor adventures, anthropology and archaeology, presents documentaries on BBC radio, gives guided walks and performs archaeological storytelling. She’s a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a hillwalking ambassador for the British Mountaineering Council and she holds an MA from Cambridge University in Archaeology and Anthropology.

SECRET BRITAIN: UNEARTHING OUR MYSTERIOUS PAST was published by Frances Lincoln in 2020.

Find her at and on Twitter and Instagram @MaryAnnOchota