Jonathan Ray
Represented by
Judith Murray

Jonathan Ray
Represented by
Judith Murray
Jonathan Ray is drinks editor of the Spectator and the regular drinks columnist for The Field, Spear’s and Boat International. Prior to this he was drinks editor of GQ and spent many years as wine editor of the Daily Telegraph. He was also the anonymous Bar Spy for Imbibe magazine. He is the author of many books on wine – translated into over a dozen languages – including BLOODLINES & GRAPEVINES, ALL ABOUT WINE and HOW TO BUY WINE. Jonathan has a Ph.D. in history from London University and, as well as his regular drinks columns, he has written on food, travel, lifestyle and many other subjects for the Spectator, the Guardian, Decanter, the New Statesman, the Daily Mail, the Mail on Sunday, the FT, Heathrow Traveller and BA High Life. His latest books, DRINK MORE FIZZ! and THAT’S THE SPIRIT!, were published by Quadrille in 2017 and 2018 respectively. He is married with two children and lives in Brighton where he and a few friends make the award-winning Brighton Gin.